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Varicose Eczema
Varicose eczema is a long-term skin condition that affects the lower legs and is common in people with varicose veins. It is also known as venous eczema, gravitational eczema and stasis eczema.
Signs and symptoms
Like all types of eczema, the affected skin becomes:
● itchy
● red and swollen
● dry and flaky
● scaly or crusty
There may be periods when these symptoms improve and periods when they become more severe.
Your legs may become swollen, especially towards the end of the day or after long periods of standing. Varicose veins (swollen and enlarged veins) are often visible on the legs.
Some people also have other symptoms, such as:
● brown discolouration of the skin
● red, tender and tight skin that can eventually become hardened (lipodermatosclerosis)
● small, white scars (atrophie blanche)
● pain
● eczema affecting other parts of the body
Left untreated, leg ulcers can develop. These are long-lasting wounds that form where the skin has become damaged.
How does it happen?
Varicose eczema is usually caused by increased pressure in your leg veins just like with varicose veins, impaired blood flow in the legs, etc
Inside your veins there are valves that let the blood through in one direction and prevent it flowing backwards.
Sometimes, the walls of the veins can become stretched and lose their elasticity, causing the valves to become weakened. If the valves do not function properly, blood may leak backwards.
This increases the pressure in your veins, which may cause fluid to leak into surrounding tissues. It is thought that varicose eczema may develop as a result of your immune system reacting to these fluids in the tissues under your skin.
This increase in pressure can also cause blood to collect in your veins, which become swollen and enlarged (varicose veins).
How varicose eczema is treated
Varicose eczema tends to be a long-term problem. However, treatments are available to help keep it under control.
For most people, treatment involves a combination of:
● self-help measures – including ways to improve your circulation, such as keeping active and frequently raising your legs
● moisturizers applied to the skin to stop it becoming dry
● topical corticosteroids – ointments and creams applied to the skin to help treat the eczema and relieve symptoms
● compression stockings – specially designed stockings, usually worn every day, that steadily squeeze your legs and help to improve your circulation
Treating the underlying cause is important hence if you have the above mentioned symptoms to call us at
(506) 648-7013
The process is the same or what to expect for all our services.